
Our experienced vets are available 24/7 and strive to deliver excellence in animal care

  • Sheep Fertility
  • Flock Health
  • Flock Health Club & Smallholders Club
  • Lambing Essentials Kit

Sheep Fertility

We work with you to improve flock health and profitability


Pre-tupping checks on rams can be carried out to ensure that they are fit for the breeding season. We can carry out testing on farm where rams can be electro-ejaculated (EEJ) for semen sampling. Teeth, testicles and toes are checked for suitability.

Ram Vasectomies

We offer a special price on ram vasectomies carried out at the practice. Vasectomies can help to tighten the lambing period. Please call the Farm Office for more information.

Flock Health

We work with you to create your own flock management plan

Pre-lambing blood testing

We offer the pre-lambing blood testing 3 – 4 weeks before lambing to check protein levels and beta hydroxybutyrate.This helps to plan a nutrition strategy and goes some way to reduce the risk of twin lamb disease.When discussing this with the vet, please ask if these tests are subsidised as there are often special offers!

MV Blood Testing

Routine blood testing for MV accredited flocks is also available.

Abortion vaccines

These are available if booked in advance. Speak to our vets about timing and suitability

Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) scanning

We offer OPA scanning to diagnose and advice on this disease.


We offer anthelmintic testing.

Flock Health Club & Smallholders Club

Take a look at the benefits of joining the Flock Health & Smallholder Club

We have a thriving Flock Health Club with different package options:

  • The Premier
  • Lameness
  • Parasite

See attached here for further information.

We also have a Smallholders Club. See attached here for further information.

Lambing Essentials Kit

Take a look at our Lambing Essentials Bucket

Take advantage of our Lambing Essentials Kit at a discounted rate. Please contact the Farm Office for more information. The kit contains all you need for the lambing season.


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